Chairman Of Alhamd Charitable Trust
The "ALHAMD CHARITABLE TRUST” (ACT) Govandi - Mumbai REGD NO. (E-30498) has been conceived, planned and developed by Mohammad Mahboob Alam (Chairman “Alhamd Charitable Trust”) a visionary-par- excellence. He has visited several ‘Islamic’ and ‘other’ educational institutions of all worlds and interacted with many experts on school and university education to grasp their approach towards Islamic orientation, teaching methodology, curriculum implementation and management. The pragmatic insights gained from these meetings and latest research and learnings on effective education strategies help in the continuous improvement and development of AES, to be contemporary and Islamic... to fulfill the students’ educational needs for his/her nurtures a dream of uplifting the ‘Generation Next’... to be many times more talented than him.
We see the immensity of our social responsibility in that the development of young minds gives shape to society in due time; and so we seek to lay a foundation of true education, comprising of values besides scholastic excellence, which can be developed upon through every experience of life. In this venture of ours we bring you a striking balance of contemporary practices with in the respected conventions of education, which we are confident would equip our students with clarity for making intelligent choices of career. While we make good and full use of technological amenities at our disposal, we remain committed to maintain the environment which encourages learning through direct experience and interaction. As we remain pledged to the noble profession of teaching and in humble regard for the experience for those who guide us, and continue in gratitude for those who have wished us well, we trust that our present endeavor of giving you ARQAM ENGLISH SCHOOL will answer your need of a balanced urban education.

The advent of technology and communication advancements have made global citizenship education a need rather than a luxury—and more feasible than ever before.
While basic skill development and workforce preparation skills are important in the education system, a paradigm shift must take place recognizing that in order to be truly globally competitive, we must be globally competent. Educating young people to become global citizens will allow them to learn about the interdependence of the world’s systems, believe that solutions to global challenges are attainable, and feel morally compelled to confront global injustices and take responsible action to promote a just, peaceful and sustainable world. While at first glance a focus on global citizenship may seem secondary in a system where basic literacy remains a challenge for many, these skills are vital. If we truly aspire to have a world-class education system, we must engage with the world. The challenges that face the world today—from global poverty and climate change to financial systems and conflict—require globally-minded solutions. Global competency skills are necessary so that young people can invent a future that appropriately addresses global challenges.
We aim to make “ARQAM ENGLISH SCHOOL’s” as the “Education HUB,” we will reinvent our notion of the necessary skills to succeed in the 21st century, which go beyond reading, writing, and math to include global citizenship and competency.